Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 68 & 69 - 7,309 miles

Arches National Park... Canyonland National Park... Dead Horse State Park... Kodachrome Basin State Park... all in Utah. We may have saved the best for last. Arches was a great place. It combined canyons, hoodoos, plateaus and ravines. We had planned to stay at this combined area for three days... HOWEVER, the wind was more than our little 6 man tent could handle. After a vigorous battle with winds sustained of 30 mph, and gusts up to 60 mph, her little heart gave out and collapsed... at about 11 pm. So we sprung it back out, only to hear bigger gusts a coming. We ended up being physical internal supports to the tent for about 2 hours. At that time, we went to plan B... evacuation to the Toyota. While Judy supported the tent poles from within, I packed as quickly as I could, everything into the car. We then took down the tent. Pulled the pegs. Rolled up the tent and tarp it was sitting on, and threw it into the car. Now what? Well, we sat in the car until sunrise, and left a day early... for, bigger winds were predicted for the next day. Besides this little setback, the views were terrific. See a few of them, enclosed. By the way, we have decided to cancel our efforts for Yellowstone, as the forecast is for snow, rain, ice, cold, winds, etc. for the 5 days we had planned. We are now on our return path home. Today we crossed Colorado and are now on that border, in Kansas. Winds are a howling here as well. But tonight, we are in a cabin, with wood frames, and a heater. Luxury !

"Balancing Rock" is actually about the size of 4 large homes

To get a better perspective, Ron is standing under the Balancing Rock

Roadway into Canyonlands... 4 wheel drive only

Notice the yellow jeep on the road... about the middle of the pic.

"Delicate Arch"

Two delicate people under an arch...

For those who don't know, "7" is my favorite number... completeness

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mom & Dad say"

So sorry you had to shorten your trip,,but think of all the beauty
you've already seen,,,,,,,,very glad you are not taking any chances
because of the weather,,,,,who knows maybae it could be another trip in the future in better weather,,,,,,